Slicker City/Square Town has three possible walkthroughs, depending on what you take from the Delta. First of all, directions don't matter, to start. > n > n > n Neither does which cot you look through. >x cot >g >g The third cot should always reveal the token. They are picked at random if you say "cots". >put token in protector pocket The Change Chump now wants/needs furniture besides all those cots. Where could you find it? >e >n >push furniture s >push furniture w Oh look! A wait paper! It's probably as useless as the effort token. Which means it's useful. But not in its present state. >enter head forge The away forge is now useless. >d The game splits up here in the Delta. Each duplicate item lets you into a different room you can't access otherwise. ==================bottle================== >get bottle >u >e >put paper in coop >e >e >n >track laugh That gets you the Poker Strip. >w >s >s >use strip on net The guzzler gas now enters the bottle of bottle. >n >n >put guzzler gas in erotic auto Boom! A reaction leaves something else to put in the bottle. >s >e >use guzzler gas on charming prints >w This gets you to where you can cross to Bull Gully. ==================solution================== >get solution >u >e >put paper in coop >e >n >d >model roll >e >s >e >use context device on charming prints >w >s >use proof bullet on neutrality net >n >n >use light engine on erotic auto >s ==================jars================== >get jars >u >e >put paper in coop >e >e >s >comment no >w >n >n >use buckle on erotic auto >s >e >use bolt on charming prints >w >s >use hook on neutrality net >n ===========================after=========================== There are a few alternate solutions here. If I missed a potential one, bug me and I'll add it. >d >deal/demand/divide/escape/experience/game/race/shake/stuff/weigh grate >in >x people pod You can poke around for fun if you want. >push 1i/1u